PRE China Private Equity I AS ( 990 794 537)

The vehicle has as its sole purpose to invest in the private equity fund China New Enterprise Investment Co. ("CNEI Co."). The fund was closed in 2007 with total committed capital of approx. USD 113 million. PRE China Private Equity I AS has committed USD 25 million to CNEI Co. The vehicle is closed for further share issues.




Estimated Net Asset Value (“NAV”) per share**

NOK 5,39

NOK 6,39 

USD/NOK exchange rate



Change in USD / NOK exchange rate



Wealth taxation value, per share 31.12.2022/01.01.2023*


NOK 8,38

Accumulated dividend pay-outs, per share


NOK 11,514


PRE China Private Equity II AS ( 992 201 681)


The vehicle has as its sole purpose to invest in the private equity fund China New Enterprise Investment Fund II, L.P. ("CNEI Fund II"). The fund was closed in 2010 with a total committed capital of approx. USD 250 million. PRE China Private Equity II AS has committed approx. USD 62 million to CNEI Fund II. The vehicle is closed for further share issues.


30.06.2024 31.12.2023

Estimated Net Asset Value (“NAV”) per share**

NOK 16,59

NOK 19,30 

USD/NOK exchange rate



Change in USD / NOK exchange rate



Wealth taxation value, per share 31.12.2022/01.01.2023*


NOK 17,52

Accumulated dividend pay-outs, per share


NOK 2,00


PRE China & Asia Private Equity AS ( 995 164 388)


The vehicle has as its sole purpose to invest in selected private equity funds focusing on Asian (Chinese) investment opportunities. The vehicles closed in the middle of 2011 and was fully invested in four private equity funds by the middle of 2012. The vehicle is closed for further share issues.



30.06.2024 31.12.2023

Estimated Net Asset Value (“NAV”) per share**

NOK 8,22

NOK 8,08 

USD/NOK exchange rate



Change in USD / NOK exchange rate



Wealth taxation value, per share 31.12.2022/01.01.2023*


NOK 9,78

Accumulated dividend pay-outs, per share


NOK 6,25


Shareholders are encouraged to visit PRE China’s Investor Relation pages for the latest company reporting. Due to confidentiality, all reports are password-protected. Shareholders are asked to treat all information provided regarding the funds and the underlying investments as highly confidential. 

** NAV is based on preliminary, unaudited interim financial accounts supplied by the underlying private equity funds. The figures are to be considered as an informative guideline and are under no circumstances guaranteed. No investment decision should solely be based on NAV or the information herein. NAV is updated on a half-year basis (per 30.06. and 31.12. in a given fiscal year).
"Likningsverdi" or wealth taxation value for shareholders invested in person. Shareholders invested through an investment company (legal entity) are expected to make use of the value for tax purposes as of December 31th of a given fiscal year. However, before the fund’s audited year-end accounts are completed, shareholders invested through an investment company should use the value per January 1st as an estimate.